Trees of Joy

With the support of our major sponsor Northbridge Plaza, for 34 years, Northbridge Rotary’s Tree of Joy has seen our community donating over 500 presents each year to underprivileged youth. In 2024, Northbridge Rotary beneficiaries has taken over responsibilities of the former Rotary Club of North Sydney and is supporting The Starlight Foundation, The Rev Bill Crews Foundation, The Salvation Army, Wayside Chapel, Wesley Mission and The Narang Maru Aboriginal Community.

Food & Phone Drive
Introduced during the depths of COVID, when many of our community’s disadvantaged were struggling, Rotary Northbridge’s Food & Phone Drive is an annual event inviting our community to done non-perishable goods, which are then distributed to those in need a,d mobile phones which can be reused to support domestic violence victims.
Dementia Cafe

Together with the Rotary Clubs of Crows Nest, North Sydney and North Sydney Sunrise, Rotary Northbridge is pleased to support the Crows Nest D-Caf. Open 10-12am evert fourth Wednesday, the D Cafe gives carers, family and friends of dementia sufferers the opportunity to socialise and learn, iwith a gentle exercise progarm followed by a friendly cuppa.
Youth Leadership

RYPEN, or the Rotary Youth Program of Enrichment is an intensive residential weekend for young people aged approximately 14 to 16 years to develop increased motivation, improved life skills, better self-image, pride in themselves and an understanding of setting and achieving goals.
RYLA, or Rotary Youth Leadership Awards is an intensive 7 day leadership experience organised by Rotary clubs and districts typically for young people aged approximately 18 to 30 years where you develop skills as a leader while having fun and making connections.
Greatfulness Training

In late 2019, Rotary Northbridge sponsored "The Greatfulness Program" at St Philp Neri School - a self-leadership and wellness initiative focused on encouraging Yr 5 and 6 students to "Be Your Own Hero", In early 2021, post COVID, this program was extended to a younger cohort or Yr 2 and 3 students, with a focus on additional teacher support.
Rostrum Voice of Youth

Since 2005, Rotary Northbridge has been a major sponsor of the NSW Rostrum Voice of Youth. Voice of Youth is a national speaking competition which provides an excellent opportunity for secondary school students to gain experience and confidence in expressing their views and communicating a message.
Pride of Workmanship / Community
Rotary Northbridge's Pride of Workmanship Evening is a major event on our calendar, where we recognise and celebrate community leaders, workers and volunteers who in our view have demonstrated Rotary's commitment to "Service over Self".
Awards are made in two categories - Pride of Workmanship, and Community Service.

SEE Committee
The Sydney Enterprise Education (SEE) fund was established in 2008, following a generous donation from the Francis family, to "benefit persons in our community with disabilities and special needs, or disadvantaged by their personal circumstances, by supporting the provision of vocational training, supporting the provision of secondary or tertiary skills-based education, or by assisting in developing preparedness for employment complementary to these education objectives". Over $36,000 has been utilised since 2008 on vocational training. In recent years Northbridge has partnered with WorkVentures to provide refurbished laptops to disadvantaged youth.